Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Two years ago I had my first picture book Clever Moo published by Scholastic here in New Zealand. A number of my short stories have appeared in NZ's The School Journal and the Australian School Magazine published in New South Wales. Last year I had a sporty short story included in Random NZ's anthology for children Dare and Double Dare and this year another story was included in Black Dog Books (Australia) anthology Short. I'm slowly beginning to feel like the real McCoy and when I travelled overseas last year and this, I put my occupation down as author and felt secretly very pleased. But there's an awful lot I still don't know about the business of publishing books. As I find things out I will pass this information on to you. And while an american agent recently encouraged writers everywhere to make mistakes because thats how we learn, if i can help anyone skip a mistake and move straight onto a better course of action then it will be all worthwhile.

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