Chapter Three is now posted at fabostory with the most excellent artwork by ***** ****** (name embargoed in case we run an illustrator guessing comp). I would rather be a ***** ****** (btw the number of asterisks bears no relation to the number of letters in the illustrators name) picture than a Salvador Dali one right now.
My daughter finished reading my draft YA and gave it her seal of approval. She's been talking about it with her school mates and tells me they want to read it. So I started wondering if I should just do the e-book thing and my daughter promptly said none of her school friends have something to read an e-book on. So back to considering the traditional route, I am at that horrible point in the writing of a book when I need to turn it from a first draft into a final draft and I just can't face the prospect, I'm not sure why. I like this story and I'm happy with how the plot developed and finished up. I know its common practice to put a first draft away in a drawer for a few months to let it ripen like a smelly cheese but I have to say this is one writing rule I've never really followed. I want to get on with this one. A publisher has expressed an interest in having a look and I sent the first three chapters to another publisher some months back and if they do decide they'd like to see the whole thing its probably best I whip it in to shape as soon as possible. I have some other things that need working on and if I don't attend to the YA soon, it may be a while before I can get back to it. Update: I asked if they wanted to see it in its raw state and they said 'send it now' i did. As these things take a while to consider it makes sense to be doing the titivating whilst they weigh up the project. As I am happy with plot and voice and only working on improving grammar and style this seems sensible to me.
Took my YA reading daughter to a live performance of the musical Grease last night. It was loads of fun and she loved it. She has aspirations in that direction and felt very inspired by the whole thing. My only quibble - whenever we go see a movie or show together we always end up sitting next to, directly in front of, or behind the person with the hacking cough, the loud-voiced seat-kicking rudely-behaved children or the crying infant. I am acquiring some good aural blocking skills but I would rather I didn't need them.
The regular musings of a published children's writer on writing, publishing, family, world events, and anything else that seems relevant, topical or interesting to me
Educational Resource: Time Machine & Other Stories1939
- Educational Resource: The Were-Nana
- Educational Resource: Jack the Viking
- Educational Resource: The Half Life of Ryan Davis
- Educational Resource: Made With Love
- Educational Resource: The House That Went to Sea
- Educational Resource: A Winter's Day in 1939
- Educational Resource: While You Are Sleeping
- Educational Resource: The Song of Kauri
- Educational Resource: Fuzzy Doodle
- Educational Resource: Time Machine & Other Stories
- Educational Resource: Sharing with Wolf
- Educational Resource - Moon and Sun
- Educational Resource - My Elephant is Blue
- Educational Resource: BatKiwi
- Educational Resource: There Are No Moa, e Hoa
- Educational Resource: Lucy and the Dark
- Educational Resource: Sun Shower
- Educational Resource: Batkiwi and the Big Wet
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I find that when I have finished a novel I have to put it away....usually for a month...then I read it again.If I don't find myself reaching for the red pen...then out it goes...on their big adventure on the editors floor...
Good luck with your submissions!! Your new YA novel sounds like it's destined for greater things!! Yay for you!
Oh and it's always the case isn't it that of all the seats in the theatre/cinema you are always always stuck behind, beside in front of the worst people you can imagine being stuck with. Always. Grrrr. :-)
take care
Good luck with your submissions!! Your new YA novel sounds like it's destined for greater things!! Yay for you!
Oh and it's always the case isn't it that of all the seats in the theatre/cinema you are always always stuck behind, beside in front of the worst people you can imagine being stuck with. Always. Grrrr. :-)
p.s. I saw Grease a couple of years back and thoroughly enjoyed it - so different to the film though!!
take care
It's a very good sign that your daughter's friends are all keen to read it. I'd be excited!
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