Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Books rock - and the children know it

I had a school visit on Tuesday. Over the course of the morning I talked to the whole school - in two groups. They had a wonderful new school hall - an auditorium with tiered seating like a lecture hall. When I was first ushered in to speak to the year 3-6 classes, the tiered seating was full of children and down in front was one single solitary chair - for me. Whenever I have the choice I opt for smaller groups, but this isn't always possible. This was the biggest single group I've addressed so far and the more perceptive members of that audience might have noticed my sudden 'possum in the headlights' appearance. Turning the hall lights up helped. After my initial surprise, I got into stride and delivered my talk.

I continue to be impressed by the behaviour of the children I talk to. They sit quietly and listen, are keen to answer my questions and think hard about good questions of their own to ask. Its extremely thrilling to think I might positively influence someone's love of books or writing. And the children who glow with the excitement of books - they make me super happy.


Katy said...

That's wonderful Melinda. Sounds as if the children really enjoyed your talk. I bet some of them will remember you coming for the rest of their lives.

Melinda Szymanik said...

although i always feel nervous beforehand, it is a real buzz doing school visits. And the children who come up afterwards to talk about their favourite books and writing make it even more worthwhile