Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Getting steamed...

The act of reading itself, understanding how people communicate; both ideas in written form and through interaction between characters - the interaction between book and reader - the power and satisfaction of coming to your own conclusions, even if these conclusions are that it was nothing other than fun - is enough. That there is one correct meaning for a written text is a terrible burden to lay on a reader . So I might have had something particular in mind when I wrote my story? Well that is a necessary part of the process. But while my intent enables me to write my story, it is not what enables the reader to read it. Some folk will see what I saw, others will enjoy the story for its own sake, and some will find new meaning because of their own experience, or in spite of it. And that is the way it should be.

And yes too many cooks do spoil the broth  Its not wrong to show your work in progress to someone else as you go along. A spot of support, an encouraging word, a gentle touch of guidance to put us back on track can be just the ticket to a publishable manuscript. I should know - this is how my novel Jack the Viking came to life, with the terrific advice of the wonderful Barbara Murison, when I was on the NZSA's mentoring programme back in 2005/6. But I don't share my WIPs with too many people. Especially if I am unsure about what is happening in my plot. Group solutions never work. I need to nut out solutions on my own and maybe, just maybe test them out if I am unsure. Don't let the steam out folks. However hanging out with other writers regularly is good for you and your manuscripts.

As I pointed out in my last post (and I am suspecting most, if not all of you will have noticed) it is now February. February has a lot to recommend it.  For a start it has Valentine's Day in it (yes I am a sentimental fool and proud of it) and my wedding anniversary in it (best decision EVER to marry that man) and the weather is usually rather good and the offspring are back at school but my own studies haven't really started yet. However there is a huge BOGIE in the month. On February 28th the finalists for the NZ Post Children's Book Awards are announced. It is a special form of torture for eligible authors and illustrators. Bring on March 1.


maureen said...

cross fingers for you! word verification squeal...very appropriate...squeal of joy... excitement etc ...if you're in....

Fifi Colston said...

the link to my post doesn't you want to try that one again? (thanks for the link!)
I won't be gnawing my fingernails until NEXT year for awards. It's a special kind of torture isn't it?

Melinda Szymanik said...

Thanks Fifi - link fixed (pesky uninvited stowaway full-stop).

I am currently working on strategies for surviving non-listing.