Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Persistence is the name of the game...

Jack the Viking has just been reviewed by Crissi Blair in the NZ Book Council's online publication for Schools - The School Library. If I am able I will post a link to this shortly but here is a brief snippet:

Exciting reading, with plenty about how the Vikings lived (and died), and issues like bullying and self-esteem to consider. One thing’s for sure, Jack will never be the same again..

And Justine Larbalestier has great advice on her blog today to counteract some of the worries we experience as writers, as well as debunking the myth of the tortured artist. I certainly worried for some time that the even-tempered uneventfulness of my life might hold me back in my writing but I've managed so far to come up with ideas and either research or imagine the rest. Good ole imagination. Its served me well and with all the encouragement and warm-fuzzies I give it, it seems to have grown, perhaps even blossomed. However it is easy to be calm happy and rational when your luck is in and things are going well, and there is a bit of a tendency to torture ones self and be visited by self-doubt when the words aren't coming and the publishers aren't looking your way. Just remember that bad days are bookended by good ones and persistance is the name of the game.

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